Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Obi-Wan's braided hair keeps changing sides, and getting longer and shorter, most noticeably in the scenes around the underwater city. (00:13:40)

Biggest mistakes of all time

The Irishman picture

Factual error: While handling the ignition coil cable to the distributor cap, Joe Pesci tells De Niro that the timing chain needs adjustment in his truck. A truck of that year with an inline Chevy motor would not have a timing chain at all, instead this truck would be equipped with a direct drive timing gear. Even if it had a timing chain, it would be behind the water pump and a cover. It would have been a several hour job to replace, not possible to adjust it.

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, Harry spots Ginny and runs towards her. After the last close-up of Harry's face as he runs, there is shot that faces Ginny, showing Harry's back. At the very start of this shot, on the bottom left corner of the screen two overhead studio lights, other equipment and scaffolding are perfectly visible, reflected in the puddle to Harry's left. Later when he runs out of the pipe, towards Ginny, some light reflections are visible as well. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (02:04:40)

Super Grover

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Prom Pact picture Prom Pact mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: Just as the first credits roll, when the cheerleaders dance, check the African American, Caucasian, and most noticeably, the Asian American people behind the team. They are blatant, creepy-looking, unrealistic CGI characters. (00:01:18)


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story picture

Factual error: When they are trying to navigate the shuttle through Eadu, the shuttle abruptly collides with a rock, which causes Bodhi to jolt backwards. If the shuttle hitting the rock had caused the shuttle reduce speed so abruptly, in the way that was shown, then Bodhi would have jolted forwards, not backwards. (00:57:05)

Casual Person

Best quotes

The Help picture

Aibileen Clark: All you do is scam and lie to get what you want. You a godless woman. Ain't you tired, Ms. Hilly? Ain't you tired?

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Biggest Pixar mistakes

Cars 3 picture

Continuity mistake: Before the race in Thomasville Cruz has the 20 number only on her right side but later she has the number also on her left.


Biggest Disney mistakes

The Aristocats picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

Best trivia

The Dirty Dozen picture

Trivia: Not really a mistake, given the need for drama in a war film, but the mission takes place the evening before D-Day, meaning the Allies had complete air supremacy, and knew the exact time, date and place of the meeting of the German officers, this mission would never have taken place. The brightly lit chateau would have been flattened by a squadron of heavy bombers. Lee Marvin, an experienced combat veteran, pointed this out to the producers and was told to keep his opinions to himself.

Best questions

Chosen answer: During the several years it took to construct the ship probably, or in any of the supplies/food brought on board, or in the furniture brought on board. A single pregnant female rat can be responsible for thousands of rats in a very short space of time (the offspring are not too choosy about who they breed with).

Soylent Purple

A pregnant female rat could have made a home in a underneath a third class couch and had the other rats then all the females would have baby rats quickly.

Answer: In addition to the other answers, rats can easily get on ships by climbing the mooring lines that tie vessels to the dock and also go up unattended gangways. They can also use temporary overhead cables attached to ships while in port.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 picture

Continuity mistake: During the opening scene with Ego and Quill's mother, they run into the woods behind the Dairy Queen, and mom is wearing boots with fur trim. When they get to where the Ego's plant is in the ground, she is suddenly wearing sandals.


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